May 2021 Sherman Hill Show Updates
By Brent Rush, Club President
Train Show  |  Thursday - March 4, 2021 3:50 pm

I talked with Sandy at Sherman Hill Tuesday and discussed a couple of items that I want to pass on to everyone:

  • Likelihood of the show - still looking good according to Sandy.  There is little chance the show will be cancelled.  She attributing that to the facts  that the state, city & county health services our reviewing the show floor plan and will limit the capacity of the show this year.  Wyoming in all likelihood have lifted its mask mandate by the time of the show happens and the hope is that vaccinations availability and rates should be significantly higher by then. 
  • UP Steam Shop Tours - Rumors are don't plan on a shop tour this year in conjunction with the show.  I'm trying to confirm if that is true, so don't get your hopes up.

As I learn more I'll be sharing it with everyone.
