The PCB ties is a game-changer for the club, its been talked about for years and today we took the first step to dramatically reducing the amount of rail joiners we'll need to install at train shows. The cement plant yard was a low risk area that we could make our first installation attempt.
It was a huge success for this club. As we become more practiced we'll retrofit more modules in the coming months. We estimated today by eliminating the need for those joiners just in the cement plant it will save us 20 minutes of time at the next show with retrofitting this module set alone.
The process starts with us removing the 2 inches of track and scenery back to the frame onthe module end, then adding a hardwork anchored by brass screws. The PCB ties are then sodered to the brass screwed leveled. then we laid the rail spanning the module joint and sodered them to the PCB ties, one everything is secured we make the cut to the rail.