The group yesterday endured the heat and got the rest of the PCB ties in the main lines of the cement plant and re-laid the spur track for the Elevator on the outside. We decided to add a wye switch for a new industry a trans-load facility in the front so we cut and pulled the foam from the front and popped in luwan board for the base on the new industrial spur on the front. testing everything afterwards the track work is smooth and perfect across the all the track on the module joint.
Really excited about what the PCB ties on the module joint means for us not just with setup but operationally eliminates all the gremlins with the modular joints and the track work.
Next work session will be cutting the track at the joints, working on the track to the add-ons on the back and finishing the layout of the new industry. If thing progress far enough we'll start on the ballast repairs.
Wilbur, Kieran and Steve also setup the hump yard modules out of mothballs to check it out.