Results of the Club's 2018 Annual Membership Feedback Survey
By Brent Rush, Club President
Club News & Notes  |  Sunday - July 1, 2018 8:07 am
Starting this year, the club created an Annual Membership Survey which gives us the opportunity to hear from all of the members at once to gauge the satisfaction of membership with the direction of the club.  The thought is that the more we listen, the more we can do to make the club an exceptional place. 

This year’s Survey opened on Saturday, April 7th and runs through May 12th. Here are a couple of highlights from the survey worth sharing:
  • The overall satisfaction with the club scored a 4.73 out of 5
  • Responses to the surveyrated the value of the club dues 4.64 out of 5
  • Confidence in the Club Officers and Board of Trustees managing the club scored a 4.91 out of 5
  • Satisfaction with Club Activities scored a 4.73 out of 5
Other interesting tidbits were shared through the comments of those who responded to the survey that the favorite show of the group is the Rails in the Rockies train show although it was the poorest attended show in 2018. We also heard clearly that we need to build more modules replacing older modules and creating industries and places to switch

You can read the full survey results in the report available here. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thanks those who participated in the survey allowing us to gained valuable insight into what’s working well and where we can improve.

Brent Rush
Club President
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