"Trailer Club" has been the unofficial joke in jest this summer as we began planning our summer work sessions last May just before the Sherman Hill train show. We had to repair the trailer jack and that lead to the realization that we actually had a long list of maintenance items we've deferred just too long and need to take care of on the trailer.
We had bent the trailer's jack stand coming back from the TCA train show in 2020 just before COVID restrictions took hold. We put off the repair with COVID restriciton, but with those restrictions easing and getting the green light that the 2021 Sherman Hill train show was a go in May 2021 we fainlly took the time to get the jack fixed.
Fixing the trailer's jack stand and quick inspection of the trailer was are only intent, but like any good project that leads to identifying that other repairs that needed to happen. We had to repair several of the marking lights and replacing two others on the trailer lead to the discovery that the we needed to replace the rear rear vent and we should probably water-proof the trailer roof now that the trailer is 13 years old.
From there the list of repairs and ideas for upgrades to the trailer grew the more we looked at the trailer. We ended up using several work session soley on the club trailer maintenance to the point in jest we were calling it
"Trailer Club" instead of train club since we weren't worling on the layoutmodeule or trains as we had hoped.
We even came up with shirts with a
"Trailer Club - Summer 2021" logo on the front with a the list of repairs and improvements we made over those session working on the trailer on the back of the shirt. Here is the list of repairs and improvements we made to the trailer:
- Repaired trailer jack
- Greased axle bearings
- Inspected trailer brakes
- Replaced 2 marker light
- Repaired 2 marker lights
- Replaced rear roof vent
- Resealed roof panels
- Painted trailer roof with Waterproof/UV protective paint
- Checked side panel rivets
- Added LED interior light
- Added exterior LED lights
- Upgraded interior/exterior light switch
- Washed and waxed the trailer
The end result is we ensured safe transporation of our modules to the next show along with a couple of upgrades.