hanks for your interesting in considering our club for your railroad event. We wanted to give you as much information about us so that you can evaluate if we are able to help make your event a success. Along with this information we encourage you to take a look at the rest of our website.

The Colorado & Great Western Modular Railroad Club is non profit club located in Westminster, Colorado. The purpose of our club is to enjoy model railroading and share our hobby with the public. We are a dynamic group of modelers trying to raise the standard of modular railroading. Our goal is to become regionally and nationally recognized for our work.

Our Layout

We are a modular layout which means we can display our layout in various size configurations to meet space requirements for a layout at your event. Our smallest configuration is 20’x24′ area and our largest is a 48’x 50′. The layout features two mainlines which give us the ability to run at least to four trains at the same time along with the option of having trains switching along several of the modules.

What We Need To Know

There are a host of factors we used as a club to evaluate if we can attend a train show event. The main criteria we consider in our decision are:

We prefer minimum a two day weekend events and generally will not attend single or half day events simple because the level of effort transport and setup the layout does not make a show of that length an effective use of our time.  Typically our layout takes up to 4-6 hours to setup for our full 48′ x 50′ configuration.  Considering the time needed to setup we prefer the day before a event to setup.  Similarly each time as the setup to tear down and load the layout at the completion of the show.

Any information on the setup time and allowed duration prior to the events starting date as well as the corresponding tear-down time at the end of the event.  Any details yur can provide on building access for unloading/loading and any facility specific policies that we need to be aware of.

Its helpful for us to know who is in charge of the event and will be at the event facility during the event if some issue or question arises.

We require one standard 110w electrical connection at the event facility in close proximity to our location on the show floor to provide power for our layout operations.

We require a 4 to 6 tables 8′ tables and a dozen chairs be furnished by the event for our members of the train club to use inside the layout for staging and working on and running on the layout

Like any hobby or collectible we have invested thousands of dollars into our layout, collection and equipment and would like ensure its safety while set up at your event. The club requires information on what is security plan for the event.  Particularly the security arrangements that will be provided during the non-events hours in the event facility during the time frame of the event.

The club requires information on what the event parking and storage option for our club trailer.  Additional any information on the security of the parking area before, during and in-between scheduled event hours the days of the event.

General event admission information,  particularly if the event will provide passes to our club members and any restrictions entering or leaving the facility before, during and at the end of the event each day.

  • Suggestions on any hotel accommodations, dining in the area that the club might consider
  • Any discounts (i.e. hotel) associated with the event for participants
  • Is there access to WiFi in the faculty during the event
Contact us about your event