Membership in the Colorado & Great Western Modular Railroad Club is currently open to prospective members, who are encouraged to stop by during regularly scheduled work sessions. The club is incorporated in the Colorado and functions as a non-profit hobby organization (501(c)7). The CGWRR derives its income solely from member dues, honorariums from train shows, and public donations.

The business meeting is held each month, in conjunction with work or clinic sessions.  Major modular construction, maintenance, scenery, and other work activities usually during these scheduled sessions or other convenient times for the members involved. Many members are at the club during these sessions working on their equipment…or just hanging out . These are perfect times to share various techniques or certain maintenance practices, DCC decoder installation, weathering, and many other aspects associated with model railroading.

Our Work Sessions Include Some of the Following Items

  • Pot luck (everyone brings a dish) or a lunch (provided by the club), when we meet in person. Currently our work sessions are limited with pandemic restrictions
  • Show and Tell. This is a time when any member can show and talk about anything about the hobby they are working on or helps them with the hobby. Some examples of a “Show and Tell” are showing their modeling projects they are currently working on, such as a building, or bridge or talk about a useful tool they use, or show a helpful electronic device. The list of “Show and Tell” subjects seems endless. These usually last for about three to five minutes per person.
  • Clinics. A clinic is where a member will explain a technique to accomplish something in the hobby. Clinic examples can include how to make realistic water on a layout, how to weather rolling stock or how to tune a locomotive. This list of clinic topics is endless is always useful to our members. Clinics take more time due to detailed information being given about a particular subject. A clinic could be a half hour or hour presentation.
  • Swap Meets. People will display their wares for people to buy and it’s a chance for members to buy products from members of the club.

Additional Club Activities and Types of Events

Layout tours are a fun time for all because everyone can see in person, the skilled work which modelers have spent money and time including benchwork, laying track, scenery, operating the model railroad and more. Layout tours are a good time to ask the owner of the model railroad, questions about anything on the layout.

Depending upon the year, the club will hold other events such as visiting a local railroad museum or visit another railroad related venue.

Rail fanning (taking pictures and videos of trains), is something most of the members enjoy. Rail fanning is usually not a scheduled event of our club but an optional independent activity, based upon people’s schedules and interest in taking time for this type of activity

Every December, we have an annual Holiday Party.


REGULAR MEMBERS must be at least 18 years of age, shall have full membership rights and responsibilities, are entitled to one vote in all general Club business, and may sponsor Affiliate Members.

For an annual membership fee of $100.00 (plus new member fee), a regular member receives a one year membership, a club name badge and a set of our module and club standards.

AFFILIATE MEMBERS is intended for persons under 18 years of age who are interested in the club.  Because of their age they must be sponsored by Regular Members of the club, or an adult from their immediate family. Affiliate Members DO NOT vote or hold office, and can not sponsor other Affiliate Members, but enjoy all other rights and responsibilities of a Club Membership. Persons entitled to Affiliate Membership upon reaching the age of 18, may choose to become a Regular Members (subject to meeting all other membership requirements).

For an annual membership fee of $30.00, an affiliate member receives a one year membership, a club name badge and can participate in club events with their sponsor. Their sponsor is subject to maintaining a Regular Membership with the club. An Affiliate Members’ membership with the club is contingent with that of their sponsor’s membership status and will terminate if the sponsor leaves the club.

HONORARY MEMBERS are persons who, by the vote of a simple majority of the Regular Members, are deemed worthy of special Club recognition by virtue of their conspicuous and sustained contribution to the Club or the hobby. Honorary Members may occasionally participate in Club events and will be required to adhere to Club rules when doing so. They DO NOT vote and are not required to pay dues.  Some additional requirements or restrictions may also be imposed as a condition of this membership on a case by case basis.  Normally, Honorary Membership will not be granted to Regular Members except upon retirement from active participation in the Club or the hobby.

Contact the CGWRR

Perspective members are invited to get involved with the club by joining us in our activities attend a few meetings and observe the us first hand. This is the best way to introduce yourself and evaluate your interest in joining the club while giving both sides an opportunity to interact with each other.

Members are expected to participate in club development and maintenance activities, as well as assist at work sessions and train shows.  Following the completion of that probationary period new members are free to join in all club activities and operate on the layout at club events. However, trains operating on the club’s modular layout shall be inspected for compliance with National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) and club standards such as metal gauge wheels and Kadee or Kadee-compatible couplers.

Persons interested in joining should contact Club by filling out the form below.

Membership Inquiry

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